IICI Guidelines for Investigating Conflict-Related Sexual and Gender-Based Violence against Men and Boys

IICI, after consultation with a group of experts, has developed guidelines for investigating conflict-related sexual and gender-based violence against men and boys.  They were developed in order to help plug an important gap.  Responding to the international community’s growing awareness and understanding of conflict-related SGBV against men and boys, and building on IICI’s SGBV-investigation expertise, the guidelines were published in early 2017.

The guidelines have been developed for a range of professionals, from international criminal investigators and prosecutors to national police officers, UN human rights officers and local human rights reporters. The guidelines complement existing relevant investigation frameworks and practices, including those that currently focus on conflict-related SGBV against women and girls or children.  The publication addresses practical investigation issues, but also underscores the need for related policy, legal and institutional reforms.  The guidelines have been integrated in the second (March 2017) edition of the International Protocol on the Documentation and Investigation of Sexual Violence in Conflict (IP2) and the IICI-developed training materials accompanying IP2.  The guidelines have been developed with financial support from the Preventing Sexual Violence Initiative of the UK’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office (PSVI) and from IICI’s own pocket.