
International Investigation Team Leader Course

While national law enforcement bodies have their own training courses to prepare individuals for the significant leap to the team leader level, very little training is available for those asked to lead investigations into human rights or international humanitarian law violations on the international level. Yet good investigation team leadership is crucial to good investigations.

The course is aimed at both human rights investigators and international law enforcement, both those currently at the team leader level and those for whom a leadership role is the next step. Recognising that skills and experience levels will vary, it will introduce or reinforce basic concepts and techniques of leadership and team management, as well as operational decision-making, within an international investigation environment. The primary methodology, as with all IICI courses, is a mixture of formal instruction, reinforced with realistic exercises. Crucially, the course allows participants to meet and interact with others facing the same challenges.

Examples of modules:

  • Leadership concepts
  • Communication skills & investigation team management
  • Investigation planning
  • Mission planning
  • Creating productive relationships with legal advisers
  • Crisis management
  • Conflict management
  • Stress management
  • Ethics
  • Decision-making

The best thing being by far the team building experience: work with people I had never seen before and that came from different background, put together our expertise and experiences in a constructive way. Each of us brought something to our team and I believe we all learn about the importance of listening to one another and question our ideas. It was like building a picture to which each one of us contributed with an essential detail.

International Investigator Course Participant

The past two weeks have been such a wonderful experience. So I am writing to say that it was the most interesting, fruitful and pleasant training I have ever been to. Your management of the challenges of our training and your skills in engaging the participants was outstanding. What really amazed me was, how aware you were of everything that was occurring in the classroom, and how you managed to help each attendee personally and to initiate discussions of the topics everyone was thinking and wondering about

Training of Experts on the Investigation of International Crimes, JRR-Certification Course Participant

We had a colleague on mission from Geneva a while back, and when they found out I had completed the IICI investigators course they mentioned that it was the ‘gold standard’ of training and that more human rights officers needed to do it. Could not agree more.

Participant of the Scenes of War Crimes Course

The course was definitely an extraordinary experience.

International Investigator Course Participant

The best thing being by far the team building experience: work with people I had never seen before and that came from different background, put together our expertise and experiences in a constructive way. Each of us brought something to our team and I believe we all learn about the importance of listening to one another and question our ideas. It was like building a picture to which each one of us contributed with an essential detail.

International Investigator Course Participant

Date to be determined

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