Board of Directors and Officers
The Board of Directors of the IICI is the governing body of the Institute. It is composed of experts from around the world, and from disciplines relevant to both teaching and conducting investigations into serious violations of international humanitarian law. Military officers, human rights investigators, academics, criminal investigators, and experts in international law have joined forces to create a new approach to the investigation of war crimes and crimes against humanity.
William Schabas ‐ President
William Schabas, Order of Canada, President of IICI, is professor of international law at Middlesex University in London.
Bernard O’Donnell ‐ Vice President
Bernard (Bernie) O’Donnell is the Vice President of the IICI. Bernie’s career spans more than 40 years working in the field of investigations.
Monica Mächler – Treasurer
Monica Mächler serves as non-excutive member of various boards of directors, is active in non-profit organisations and is lecturing and publishing on matters of fi-nancial market regulation, corporate governance and business law.
Nancy Pemberton ‐ Treasurer
Nancy Pemberton is a retired attorney, investigator, and mitigation specialist residing in Northern California.
Colonel Ian Byrne DSM (Retd) – Secretary
Ian Byrne has recently retired after 38 years’ service in the Irish Defence Forces. His extensive career includes a breath of appointments across the policy, operational, and training environments. The most notable strategic appointments include his most recent as Director of Military Police and Provost Marshal […]
Heather Ryan ‐ Board Member
Heather Ryan is the Open Society Justice Intiative’s representative in Cambodia, monitoring the work of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (Khmer Rouge trials).
Colonel Bernard Markey ‐ Board Member
Colonel Bernard Markey is an Army Officer of the Irish Defence Forces with over 30 years professional military experience at home and abroad.
Catherine Cissé van den Muijsenbergh ‐ Board Member
Catherine Cissé van den Muijsenbergh studied literature and international law. She holds an MA degree in international law from the University of Pantheon Sorbonne (Paris I).
David Tolbert – Board Member
David Tolbert has served on several international tribunals as the Registrar for the Special Tribunal for Lebanon; as a Special Expert to the UN Secretary-General on UN Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Trials; and as Deputy Chief Prosecutor at the ICTY. He was also the principal […]
Delia Chatoor ‐ Board Member
Delia Chatoor is a foreign service officer with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Trinidad and Tobago.
Dermot Groome – Board Member
Dermot Groome is a Professor of Law and Harvey A. Feldman Distinguished Faculty Scholar at Pennsylvania State University Dickinson Law. Prior to teaching, Groome spent over 11 years as a senior prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) where he led […]
John Ralston ‐ Board Member
John Ralston was the Executive Director of the Institute for International Criminal Investigations from 2003 to 2016.
Kaoru Okuizumi ‐ Board Member
Kaoru Okuizumi is the Deputy Head of the Independent Investigative Mechanism for Myanmar (IIMM). She was previously the Director of the UN Team of Experts on the Rule of Law and Sexual Violence in Conflict, which was established by the Security Council to assist national authorities in ensuring criminal accountability for conflict-related sexual violence.
Kim Smit – Board Member
Kim Smit serves as a non-excutive member on various boards of directors. Serving as an independent supervisory board member, chair of audit committees and member of remuneration and appoitment committees at organizations like B&S Group, BDO Audit & Advice, NRG/Pallas, she brings a disciplined, integrity-driven approach […]
Patrick D. Robbins ‐ Board Member
Patrick Robbins is a partner in the San Francisco office of Shearman & Sterling LLP, where he specializes in criminal and enforcement matters…
Paula Anderson – Board Member
Paula Anderson is a partner in the Global Litigation and Investigations practice at the international law firm Allen& Overy Shearman and Sterling, where she leads the fi rm’s US Commercial Litigation practice. Her practice encompasses global investigations, anticorruption, sanctions and anti-money laundering compliance, cross-border disputes, […]
IICI Staff and Long-Term Consultants
Olivia Head
is the Communications, Advocacy and Project Support Consultant on the Murad Code Project
Recent IICI Trainers, Mentors and Contributors
- Alexa Koenig
- Brian Nguyen
- Bruce Bursik
- Carrie Comer
- Crofton Black
- Danil Cuffe
- Dean Manning
- Emmanuelle Marchand
- Erin Gallagher
- Gabriel Oosthuizen
- Gabriel Shapiro
- Gregory Townsend
- Henriette Stratmann
- James Bevan
- James Hyatt
- Julia Korkman
- Koen Kluessien
- Lada Soljan
- Liliana Todorovic-Sudetic
- Lindsay Freeman
- Marc Garlasco
- Maria Pimentel Biscaia
- Mariana Gutiérrez
- Mark Watson
- MartaValinas
- Max Marcus
- Mike Moulden
- NatashaVicary-Roeder
- Nenna Ndukwe
- Paloma Soria Montanez
- Patricia Viseur Sellers
- Penny Hart
- Philip Trewhitt
- Priya Gopalan
- Ray Murphy
- Roy Revie
- Shaun Galloway
- Silvia D'Ascoli
- Stephanie Barbour
- Willie Nugent
- The staff of the IICI are also assisted by a range of expert consultants hired on an as needed basis.
Recent Murad Code Project Consultants & Partners
Some individual & organisational consultants and partner organisations cannot be named
- Aida Spahic
- Aine Sperrin
- Amaranth Advising LLC (Kristin Kim Bart & Sarah Martin)
- Amerti Solomon
- Andy Sherman
- Bakhtyar Karim
- Burmese translation reviewer
- Dahlia Seddik
- Dalila Seoane
- Dr Chris Dolan
- Elizabeth Bohart
- Erin Gallagher
- Fatimata R. Wane
- Fatou Baldeh MBE
- Galen Lamphere-Englund
- Gloria Kabba Bayoh
- Habiba Makanjuola
- HRC at Berkeley School of Law (California university)
- Isaac George
- Isma’il Alfa
- Joanna Rice
- Jyotshna Shrestha
- KA-Lex
- Kateryna Busol
- Kathryn Gichini
- Kolbassia Haoussou
- Lara Quarterman
- Lisa Davis
- Louise Goldbold
- Marc Doherty
- Medica Zenica (Sabiha Husic & Irma Siljak)
- Members of the IICI-HRC working group on the SCRSV-focused open-source research guide & other reviewers
- Michelle Kissenkoetter
- Michelle Oliel
- Miriam Lewin
- Mukwege Foundation/ SEMA Network
- Nadia’s Initiative
- Nadine Tunasi
- Nelly Warega
- Nina Donaghy
- Patricia Viseur Sellers
- Peninah Kimiri
- Penny Hart
- Phil Otieno
- Pishkafti Shokri
- Prime Production Ltd
- Priya Gopalan
- Refugee Law Project
- Rita Kahsay
- Sami Shabi
- Sherizaan Minwalla
- Shivan Toma
- Stephanie Barbour
- Ulic Egan
- Veronica Martinez-Solares
- Veronique Aubert
- Yvonne Fisher
Council of Advisors
The Council of Advisors is composed of prestigious individuals in the field of international law. The Institute relies upon these volunteers for their expertise and advice.
Richard J. Goldstone
Richard J. Goldstone is a former Judge of the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court of South Africa and a former Justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa. From 15 August 1994 to September 1996 he served as the Chief Prosecutor of the United Nations International Criminal Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda.
Karen Snell
Karen L. Snell graduated from Stanford Law School in 1981. She began her legal career as a litigation associate at the San Francisco law firm Morrison & Foerster.
Desmond Travers
Desmond Travers is a retired Colonel of the Army of the Irish Defence Forces.