Upcoming Regular Courses

Start date Course
Analysis Skills Course Read more & apply
International Investigation Team Leader Course Read more & apply
Open Source Investigation – Advanced Read more & apply
Open Source Investigation – Foundational Read more & apply
Investigative Interview Skills Course Read more & apply
Financial Dimensions of War Crimes Investigations Read more & apply
Investigation of Conflict-Related Sexual And Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) Course Read more & apply

While no specific knowledge is required for IICI courses, it is expected that participants will have an existing level of professional competence in a related field, which will allow them to contribute their knowledge and experience to the course. Except where specifically noted, courses are taught in English and a high level of proficiency in English, oral and written, is a necessity for completionIICI will only certify completion for those with full attendance and participation.

The Institute for International Criminal Investigations has established a scholarship programme in memory of IICI Founding President, Raymond McGrath. The purpose is to assist exceptional candidates who would otherwise lack the financial resources necessary to attend the International Investigator Courses. Priority will be given to qualified applicants from the Global South. The number and size of scholarships will vary depending on funding availability. For more information on the criteria and application process please follow this link: Raymond McGrath Scholarship Programme | IICI This scholarship is specifically for the International Investigator Course. We do not have funding available for our other courses.


All our staff have … expressed a STRONG appreciation for the course and articulated the relevance for our work. Very good for our team building also.


The past two weeks have been such a wonderful experience. So I am writing to say that it was the most interesting, fruitful and pleasant training I have ever been to. Your management of the challenges of our training and your skills in engaging the participants was outstanding. What really amazed me was, how aware you were of everything that was occurring in the classroom, and how you managed to help each attendee personally and to initiate discussions of the topics everyone was thinking and wondering about

Training of Experts on the Investigation of International Crimes, JRR-Certification Course Participant

You, both the participants and our tutors, are uniquely talented and experienced individuals from whom I learned a lot during my one week with you. Am looking forwards to another opportunity to work with you in an effort to enhance respect and accountability for human rights and end impunity on SGBV crimes.

Justice Rapid Response (JRR)-UN Women certification training course for experts on Investigating sexual and gender-based violence as international crimes, Bangkok
Chief of Staff of Defence Forces Ireland Vice Admiral Mark Mellett DSM, Col. Time Daly, ‘IICI staff’ and ‘staff of the Military Police Training Centre